Graphic Tees And H&T
Graphic Tees And H&T. We shot three looks that day, and out of all of them — this one was the most “me.” I mean, ALL of them were me (obviously), but if we’re talking 100 on all levels: chicness AND comfort, this one’s the winner.

Graphic Tees And H&T — Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier
It’s always so funny when you walk around downtown all dressed up, full make up on and a camera man following your every move. People immediately think you’re famous (and in my mind, and in these moments … I’ve convinced myself I am) and stare, but then they realize they have no idea who you are and continue on with their day :-p … Thus, bringing me right back down to Earth where I belong, ha!

Graphic Tees And H&T — Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier
You really need these Parker Smith: Ava Ultra Dark Jean in Pacific jeans from Mod + Ethico I’m wearing. There are a bunch of similar styles online and in store. Plus, for a petite gal — they’re pretty sick. I only have to cuff once!
Also, I just love the monochromatics of this look, the coat and the bag are the same hue and it works! I’ve said it once before, and don’t throw anything at me, please, but Kayne … I see you.

Graphic Tees And H&T — Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier
The bag, oh em gee, the BAG is obviously Holly and Tanager! It’s their latest: The Professional. H&T is the only bag brand I carry around these days.
xo, Duffy
Photographer / @snrodich for Holly and Tanager