Style Week Pittsburgh 2014
Style Week Pittsburgh 2014. It’s begun! And is #Pittsburgh Official. Style Week Pittsburgh is underway. Spanning a weeks time, August 11-17th this 2014.

Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier — Style Week Pittsburgh 2014
Wadria Taylor – Style Week Founder, recently achieved proclamation status from the Pittsburgh City Council, dubbing this very week, Officially – Style Week Pittsburgh – so awesome, congrats – Wadria!
I wasn’t able to attend Mondays debut event, but this evening was #day2 – The Accessory Trunk Show.
Met & mingled: Mimi Antonetti of Nautilus; Mobile Boutique Owners: Marissa Zimmerman & Jackee Ging – met @artistrybeauty and caught up with @fgipittsburgh… who were part sponsors of tonight’s event at LUXE in Indigo Square.
Awesome vibes, fashionable people. Noticed lots of leather, fabric’s darker hues & deep colored lips in the room! And a hat or two…
Here are some iPhone pics from Tuesdays #StyleWeekPgh:

Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier — Style Week Pittsburgh 2014
The venue was amazing! Atmosphere provided by none other than LUXE in Indigo Square, Pittsburgh.
xo, Duffy