Digital Detox

Digital Detox.

Digital Detox. I have to say — it’s been a relaxing, beautiful year for Duffy Dossier. We’ve really indulged in the spa-aspects of life the last two weeks. And by “we” I mean me, and my team of highly trained content professionals (aka my cat Leo sitting next to me as write this blog post …)

As most of you know: Alex Duffy of Duffy Dossier daylights as a social media manager. With that job title comes responsibility, visibility and most of all — cramped arms, fingers and OY VEY, my neck! The hurt comes from hunching over my computer and cell phone screen all day errrry-day.

I thank Goodness for businesses like George the salon though … someone’s doing something right here: last week I enjoyed a 60-minute DigitalDetox Massage.

Q: What’s a DigitalDetox Massage massage?
A: The DigitalDetox Massage concentrates on the upper body for 25 or 55 minute (options brought to your by George, himself) sessions, working out the tension in your scalp, jaw, temples, face, neck, and shoulders, while moving out to arms, hands and fingers. Each technique is used to help to satisfy every need and ease any signs of pain and discomfort. From relaxing movements to deeper tissue work, The DigitalDetox Massage also incorporates stretching for deeper relaxation and to promote healing.

george the salon, duffy dossier

All of this = on my body and I LOVED every second of it. The DigitalDetox Massage was designed especially for folks like me (you, us, everyone — really!): the stress of work and overuse of technology has an impact on our bodies and trust me, I (we all) feel it! Poor posture, repetitive strain injuries, and migraine headaches along with hand, neck and back pain. All of these issues may arise from sitting by the computer or any other device like cell phones all day, every day. To relieve the strain of technology on the body, George the salon Chicago presents to you (and me) their new massage service – DigitalDetox Massage.

FYI on pricing for the DigitalDetox Massage at George the salon: $75 for 25 minutes and $120 for 55.

xo, Duffy

About Alex

Founder, editor and content creator of, launched June 2013.
